How to SEO Your Guest House Website

SEO, or search engine optimization, is the buzz word in terms of web marketing. To SEO a website means to make it as attractive as possible to a search engine, in doing so it means higher ranking for your website, which means more visitors and more bookings.

Put simply if you are the owner of a GUEST HOUSES in Hout bay and someone enters a search term, say in Google, such as ‘’GUEST HOUSE hout bay’’ does your website appear on the first page? If not, chances are no one will find it.

Search Engine Optimisation is a highly romanticized art form, clouded in mystery and with deeply hidden secrets. In reality it is about clarity, content and quality.

There can be little doubt that web site development is no longer the domain of the web developer but is a fusion of skills between the designer, the content writer and web engineers.

Even less in doubt it that your website is probably the single most important piece of marketing you will undertake.

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